Final Front End Project

Today marks the end of my first month at The Iron Yard and the end of learning front end fundamentals.  This month has flown by and I can’t believe how much I’ve learned and created so far.  I’ve enjoyed everything that we’ve learned so far and I’m so happy I made the decision to attend The Iron Yard.  Starting next week we will start learning back end fundamentals and I’m excited to learn about all of that.  We are not learning anything new today, just working on our next weekly project.

The weekly project is to use everything we’ve learned so far to build a SoundCloud search app.  It seemed pretty daunting at first, but after working on it for a couple of hours yesterday I’ve got a pretty good start on it.  The hardest part was figuring what information needed to be provided to fetch the information from the API.  After figuring that out, it was just a matter of looking at how the data is returned and what information is provided.  So far I’m able to search for an artist, select the artist, display the songs, and then play a song.  I need to work on my styling, make it responsive, and try to add a couple of extra features.